Friday, September 9, 2011

The Will to Survive....

I was a bit  too afraid to weigh in this morning... It's too late now since I've already eaten my breakfast and the weight would be completely off. I want to try and weigh myself ultimately once a week, but really every 2 or 3 days... We'll see we'll see~

So far this morning I've eaten a banana, oat bran (135 cal) and I made an omelet with egg whites, and peppers and onions. It wasn't terrible, but I know it's healthy and low in calories. My English class is over too, so all I have to do this morning is finish some of my Mythology class and American History! Then I can start looking into creating my Sailor Fuku cosplay! I told my mom about it but.... She kind of said how I won't have the time and I don't even have a sewing machine... Maybe I can get someone to let me borrow or give me their old one? I'll post it on my facebook and see if anyone has any advice. I've wanted a sewing machine for the LONGEST time... But I guess it's just impossible for me to get one that works...


Thursday, September 8, 2011

Back! + Writing a lot

So I recently took a break from this whole ana life... Due to my health just not being in a good spot and over all, loss of motivation. Lucky for me- I only gained about 3 lbs during it all, and right now I'm at 150, as of this morning!!

Here is my tumblr for inspiration, motivating pictures and images - but I'm going to be posting my more personal things here.

I'm going to start being more comfortable with myself. I see all these girls who post their photos and they look so beautiful and gorgeous. I can never take a decent photo of myself. Ever. I've got a nice camera, a tripod and tons of clothes, places to go, people to see... so how come I can never take nice photos? Well because I have this extra flab on my face. It looks like a double chin to me, but everyone says I'm still growing.

I'm 17. I'm gonna stop growing any minute now. There are these blogger who take self portraits of themselves and I am too an artist, so why can't I look nice as well?! I don't want to be one of those artists who lets themselves go. I love fashion and looking nice a lot. Maybe a little too much? Who knows..

Now I'm a bit more inspired to lose the weight. I have comic con coming up, my first time EVER going to one, and I just want to look super cute and thin in my outfit. It's in about a month, and a couple days. If I can even go, I'm dressing up as a Japanese School Girl Sailor Fuku Uniform. My hair should be about to my armpits by then, and if I can.. I'm going to try and lose 10 lbs! Just enough to show a change, you know?

My new dieting plan seems to be working? So far this morning I'm just eating REALLY healthy. Lots of fiber (Oat mean, oat bran, wheat bread) and then fruits, veggies. This morning I had Blueberry Oatbran, and a cup of tea, with a slice of whole wheat toast with butter. I'm actually going along with the diet plan eating more breakfast than dinner or lunch because basically... The later it gets, the more sick I feel. Eating in the morning seems to work out for the better.

Well I'll be seeing you all! Good luck to everyone losing weight!!