Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Time to reach goals...

Does it stress you out? Or help you out?

It really depends... OVerall i don't think it helps me out. Sadly, i can get easily frustrated when results aren't quick- in this case, my weight loss is taking so long. I'm eating healthy, very little, and i'm still fat. I wake up in the morning and have something, under 400-500 calories. Around 150 calories worth of cheezits a day, and then whether i eat dinner or not? Whatever the case, i'm always under 1,00 no matter what! I just hate how i do this every time...

I've got so many nice dresses and skirts, shirts and shorts, but i can't wear them. My stupid big breasts are always making me feel like some mature lady, someone might be looking down them, or thinking "wow her boobs are big" and i hate it so much! If the dress line isn't at the right spot, i look like a little muffin that cooked over. It's disgusting. But then every day i just sweep it aside...

Please, to whoever is watching over me, just please. Give me the willpower to lose all this weight so i can be skinny like when i was younger! So i can wear whatever i want, not having to ask "Do you have this in a Large?" just so they can say no... I want them to say "Sorry, we ran out of extra smalls". I can't keep living like this glutton, who fears to go outside just because she knows she has to wear a baggy sweatshirt, her size 15 pants and minimizer bra.

I know it's a horrible thing to ask for God, but please... Give me anorexia. Make me unable to eat. Destroy my mind, make me starve for days. Have my mind fear food. I just want to be thin.

That's all I've ever wanted.

~A Broken Dreamer ♥